Dear User,

this notice describes, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as GDPR), the ways in which Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia. – in its capacity as Data Controller – processes the data provided by You through the websites

The processing of personal data will be based on the principles of lawfulness, transparency, correctness and protection of confidentiality and rights of the User, always in compliance with national and European legislation currently in force.

Please read our Privacy Policy carefully, which applies in any case when you access the websites and decide to browse through them and use the services provided, regardless of the purchase of products.

Data controller

The Data Controller, pursuant to Art. 4 and 24 of the GDPR, Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia, with registered headquarters located in Via Santa Maria, 92 City - Corridonia (MC) Zip Code - 62014, VAT No. 01944850435.

E-mail address:

Telephone: +39 0733 1890971


Joint Controller  

The Joint Controller, pursuant to Art. 26 GDPR, is Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia, with registered headquarters located in Via Santa Maria, 92 City - Corri Donia (MC) Zip Code - 62014, VAT No. 01944850435

E-mail address: 

Telephone: +39 0733 1890971

Data collected 

The personal data processed are collected by the User and any data that may be acquired in the relationship between Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia and the User.

Both sites process:

  • site navigation data: The information systems and software procedures used to operate the websites may acquire, during their normal use, some data whose transmission is involved in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category could include IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given to the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer environment of the User. These data are used for the sole purpose of receiving anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing;
  • data given directly by the User through the “Contact Us/Accounts” section: in addition to the data collected when the User sends a message by e-mail to the e-mail addresses indicated on the sites in order to receive information or request a specific service, through the appropriate form are acquired: name/surname, company, country, email and any other data that the User enters in the message section. These data are used exclusively for the purpose of satisfying the User’s requests;
  • personal data collected from third parties, such as the data you agree to share with us on Social network;
  • personal data, even “special” data contained in CVs to the email addresses indicated on the sites. In this case, the Controller – in accordance with the provisions and guidelines of the supervisory authority – will provide information on the processing of data contained in the curriculum at the time of the first useful contact with the candidate.

Specifically, the data processed through the website are as follows:

  • name, date of birth and email address provided by the User to subscribe to the newsletter through the appropriate form. By registering for the newsletter, the User’s email address is automatically included in a list of contacts to which email messages containing information, including commercial and promotional information, relating to Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia and the Joint Controllers may be sent. The User’s email address may also be added to this list as a result of registration to the website or for having made a purchase, after having requested express consent through the appropriate flag;
  • data provided directly by the User following registration on the website (login). In this case, the data acquired by the Data Controller are name, email surname, password. This data is collected to allow the registration of the User to the website and the use of the online goods sale service. Through this section no bank data or other data necessary to perfect the payment are collected;
  • In order to proceed with the purchase of the goods through the e-commerce section, the User must provide truthfully and completely the data requested in the checkout form (name, surname, e-mail, address and telephone number are mandatory; the name of the company is totally optional);
  • behavioral data related to order history and saved products/services: in order to send the products and to fulfill the agreement entered into (if you do not put the products in the “cart”, in fact, you cannot proceed with the checkout), Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia acquires information about the order history and the products and services saved, also according to the need to provide assistance and support to the customer and manage any returns (through the appropriate section of the website Request RMA);
  • payment details: Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia collects the information necessary to complete orders, accept payments and make refunds. This includes, among other things, information related to the type of payment instrument selected and information on billing and shipping.

Social login
The registration procedure can be bypassed by social login. This is an alternative registration procedure that allows you to use your Facebook or Google account to login. With the Facebook or Google API, in fact, you can transfer your profile information and wait for the page to load: the profile will be created automatically. 

If you register an account through one of these social networks, we will receive the following information:

➢ Facebook Inc. (1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, “Facebook”): first and last name, e-mail address, gender, date of birth, profile picture;

➢ Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, “Google”): first and last name, e-mail address, gender, date of birth, profile picture

Purpose and legal basis of the processing

Generally, the data are processed for the following purposes:

  • to execute the User’s requests and answer the questions asked through the “Contact Us/Contacts” sections active on the websites or through the e-mail addresses indicated. In this case, the processing of the data collected and stored has as its legal basis the legitimate interest of the Controller (article 6, letter f of GDPR) to be more efficient, to provide information on the services offered, and to improve and develop new products and services;
  • function of the need to provide customer service and support and manage refunds, for internal administrative purposes of managing purchasing operations and, in general, to implement all contractual and pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the User concerned, as well as all related operational and management requirements. The legal basis in this case is the need to execute the agreement to which the User concerned is a party or to implement pre-contractual measures (Article 6, letter b of GDPR);
  • for marketing and advertising purposes, in order to send you news about products, services or promotions by Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia and/or its Joint Controllers. The processing of data collected and stored for this purpose has as legal basis the express consent given by You (article 6, letter a of GDPR);
  • to analyze your behavior and continuously improve our offer, to know what you like and always offer you a personalized service. The processing of data collected and stored for these purposes has as its legal basis the execution of the contract (Article 6, letter b of GDPR), the legitimate interest of the Controller to be more efficient, to provide information on the services offered and to improve and develop new products and services (Article 6, letter f of GDPR), as well as your express consent (Article 6, letter a of GDPR) to the profiling activity;
  • to comply with the legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject. In the latter case, the legal basis is represented by the need to comply with legal obligations that require the Data Controller to collect and/or further process certain types of personal data (Article 6, letter c of GDPR);
  • processing of data contained in CVs received is lawful as necessary to implement pre-contractual measures (Article 6(b) of the GDPR) taken at the request of the data subject. The processing of “particular” data is lawful on the basis of the supervisory authority ‘s Measure of 5 June 2019 supplementing and amending the General Authorization no. 1/2016.

The provision of personal data

The provision of personal data to Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia that are requested in the different occasions of collection may be necessary for purposes indicated in the specific policy, or optional.

The mandatory or optional nature of the conferment is specified from time to time – with reference to the individual information requested – at the time of the individual data collection, by affixing a special symbol (*) to the mandatory information. If you refuse to communicate some of your data marked as mandatory, it will make it impossible to pursue the main purpose of the specific collection: such refusal could, for example, make it impossible for Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia to execute the contract for the purchase of products or to provide the other services available. The provision of further data to Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia, other than those marked as essential, is instead optional and does not imply any consequence with regard to the pursuit of the main purpose of the collection (for example, depending on the case, the use of the website and its services or the purchase of products).

Subject to your express consent, your personal data may be processed by Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia or by the Joint Controllers for commercial and promotional purposes.

Modalities and place of the processing

The Controller performs the necessary processing in compliance with national privacy legislation, as well as in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679.

The processing of personal data is mainly carried out by electronic and telematic means by the Controller, the Joint Controllers and other subjects who, suitably selected for reliability and competence, carry out operations instrumental to the pursuit of the purposes strictly related to the use of the website, its services and the purchase of products through the website (see following paragraph).

We adopt adequate security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss – even accidental – of data, unauthorized access or processing that is not allowed or does not comply with the purposes of collection indicated in our Privacy Policy.

The data are processed at the registered and operational offices of the Data Controller and the Joint Controllers, in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located, as well as at the host servers, under the responsibility of the bandwidth and domain providers. For further information, please contact the Controller.

Data Retention

In accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679, the data are processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User or in general to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. The User can always request the interruption of processing or deletion of data. In particular, considering that the purposes described above involve various charges (relating, for example, to the product warranty), it is specified that the user’s personal data are stored for the entire period necessary to provide the services and products requested. In addition, some data will be kept for longer periods by virtue of the obligations relating to fiscal-administrative-accounting obligations (10 years pursuant to art. 2220 of the Italian Civil Code). As far as marketing purposes are concerned, the retention period is 24 months, while for profiled commercial promotion purposes the term is 12 months. Subsequently, personal data will be automatically deleted or made permanently anonymous.

Data Communication

The User’s personal data acquired by the Controller and the Joint Controllers may be communicated to professionals, collaborators, legal persons and third parties who carry out services of a technical and organizational nature which Pelletteria Tommasi may use for the processing purposes identified above. These subjects will process the data as controllers, joint controllers, data processors, as the case may be, in full compliance with the regulations in force as indicated above; they will be provided only with the information necessary to carry out the relative functions. The User’s personal data will not be disclosed in any way.

The complete and updated list of Data Processors is available upon written request to

Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia.

Data Transfer

Please note that your personal data will not be transferred abroad to countries outside the EU that do not ensure adequate levels of personal data protection. Should this be necessary to provide you with the services or to conclude an agreement with Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia for the purchase of products, we assure you that the transfer of your personal data to countries outside the EU that do not ensure an adequate level of protection will be performed only after the conclusion of specific contracts with these subjects in accordance with applicable law and regulations (Articles 44 et seq. GDPR).

Links to other sites

This information is provided only for the websites and and not for other websites that may be consulted by the User through links. Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia cannot be held responsible for personal data provided by users to external parties or to any websites linked to this site.

Social network

The site allows interactions with social networks through a direct link to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter and TikTok through social buttons, special buttons on the site that represent the icons of social networks and allow users who are browsing to interact with a “click” directly with social platforms.

The site can use the so-called social plug-ins. social plug-ins are special tools that allow you to incorporate social network features directly into the site (e.g., the Facebook “like” function).

All social plug-ins on the site are marked with the respective logo owned by the social networking platform.

When you visit a page on the Website and interact with the plug-in (e.g., by clicking on the “Like” button) or leave a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted by your browser directly to the social networking platform (in this case Facebook) and stored there.

For information on the purpose, type and method of collecting, processing, using and retention of personal data by the social networking platform, as well as how to exercise your rights, please refer to the Privacy Policy of the concerned social networking platform.

Rights of the data subject 

At any time, you may exercise, in accordance with Articles 15 et seq. of EU Reg. 2016/679, the right to:    

  • to access the processed data, obtain information on certain aspects of the processing and receive a copy of the same (art. 15 GDPR, right of access);  
  • to check the correctness of your data and request its updating or rectification (art. 16 GDPR, right of rectification);  
  • to obtain the cancellation or removal of your personal data (art. 17 GDPR, right to cancellation);  
  • to obtain the limitation of the processing of your data, when certain conditions are met (art. 18 GDPR, right to the limitation of the processing);  
  • to receive your data in a structured format, in common use and readable by automatic device and, if technically possible, to obtain its transfer without hindrance to another holder (art. 20 GDPR, right to portability);  
  • to oppose the processing of your data when it takes place on a legal basis other than consent (art. 21 GDPR, right of opposition). When personal data is processed in the public interest, in the exercise of public powers vested in the Data Controller or to pursue a legitimate interest of the Data Controller, you have the right to oppose the processing for reasons related to your particular situation;  
  • to lodge a complaint with the competent personal data protection supervisory authority (for Italy, Guarantor for the protection of personal data, or take legal action if you believe that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the regulations in force.   

To exercise these rights, you can send a request to the following e-mail address 



Updates and changes 

Pelletteria Tommasi Lucia may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, the Privacy Policy of the website, also in consideration of the modification of the rules of law or regulation that govern this matter and protect your rights. Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy will be notified to data subjects on the Home Page as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on the website. We therefore ask you to regularly access this section to verify the publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy.