Dear User, PELLETTERIA TOMMASI LUCIA as Joint Controllers, inform you, in a clear and transparent manner, of the type of cookies used by the site and the purposes pursued with the information acquired, also providing information to proceed with the selection/deselection of individual cookies.

What is a cookie and what is its purpose?

Cookies are small text strings that the website sends to the User’s terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored and then sent back to the same website the next time the User visits (so-called first-party cookies). It is, therefore, a tool that assists the Data Controller in providing the service according to the different purposes pursued. Some of these purposes may also require the User’s consent; this consent may be revoked freely at any time by following the instructions contained in this document. During navigation on the site, the User may also receive cookies on his terminal that are sent from different websites (so-called third party cookies) and this happens because the website visited may contain images, maps, links to other web pages and other elements that reside on servers other than that on which the page requested is located.  The responsibility and management of first party cookies is assumed directly by the Controller, while that of third-party cookies fall on the respective owners.

Types of cookies

Cookies may have a limited duration of a single browsing session (so-called session cookies) and be automatically deactivated when the browser is closed, or they may have a predetermined expiry date (so-called permanent cookies) and remain active until that time, thus continuing to collect information during the different browsing sessions.  In order to provide a complete description of these devices, it is necessary to make further distinctions based on their technical characteristics. In fact, cookie are used for various functions: some are necessary to allow the User to browse the website and take advantage of its functions (technical cookies); others are used to obtain statistical information, whether aggregated or not, on the number of Users accessing the site and on how the site is used (so-called analytic cookies); others are used to track the profile of the consumer and allow the same to display advertising consistent with the tastes and consumption habits of the User (so-called profiling cookies).

Which cookies are used and for what purposes?

The following cookies are currently used on this site:

  1. technical cookies (used to save the session and carry out other activities strictly necessary for the operation of the site, to save preferences and optimize the navigation experience of the User);
  2. third party analytical cookies used to collect aggregate information about your browsing and optimize it. They are not directly installed or conveyed by the Controller but by third-parties;
  3. third party profiling cookies, used to track the User’s navigation to profile him/her (by preferences, habits, consumer choices, etc.) and send personalized advertising.

Nome cookie



Web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. that uses cookies that are stored on the User’s computer to allow the website visited to analyze how Users use it.


Service provided by Google Inc. Facilitates management of the necessary tags or scripts in a centralized way.


Service provided by Segment (Segment Inc.) Facilitates the management of the necessary tags or scripts in a centralized way.


Service provided by Automatic Inc. for User registration and authentication operations.

Social buttons

On the website there are widgets (“social buttons”) that represent the icons of social networks. These “buttons” allow Users to interact with a “click” directly with the social networks. 

Facebook Privacy Policy:

Instagram Privacy Policy:

Pinterest Privacy Policy:

YouTube Privacy Policy:

Twitter    Privacy Policy:

Widget Google Maps (Google Inc.) 

Google Maps is a map view service operated by Google Inc. that allows this website to integrate such content within its pages.    

Privacy Policy:

How to manage cookies? 

On your first visit to the site, you can accept all cookies by clicking on the “ACCEPT” button.

However, you can decide whether or not to accept cookies directly using your browser settings and prevent – for example – third parties from installing them. You can also use your browser preferences to delete cookies that have been installed before, including the cookie in which you may save your consent to the installation of cookies by this site.  You can find information on how to manage cookies directly on your browser by following the instructions provided at the following addresses:

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple SafariMicrosoft Windows ExplorerOpera etc. 

For further information about cookies, you can visit (limited to the services surveyed by this platform), to obtain information on how to delete or manage cookies according to your browser and to set the usage preferences of third-party cookies. 

To deselect Google Analytics the User can click on or on the following link for more information    

Please note that the deactivation of technical cookies by the User does not guarantee correct navigation within the site as some features and functionality may be compromised.

User rights 

The User may at any time exercise their rights in compliance with Art. 15 et seq. of GDPR, in particular, obtain confirmation of the existence of such data and confirmation that they are being processed or not, know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration, updating or rectification. In addition, the Users may request and obtain the portability of data, the removal, transformation into anonymous form, the restriction of the processing or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing. In any case it is possible to lodge a complaint with the Italian Privacy Authority. Requests can be sent to the Data Controller at the email address